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Who Is US Fabrics?

US Fabrics, Inc is a geosynthetics company located in Cincinnati, Ohio. We are not a local geotextile distributor, but a national company with our own exclusive product lines.

Extensive Product Line

We boast one of the industries’ most extensive geosynthetic lines, allowing us to function as a "one stop" shop for our customers. Geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes, Cattle CarpetTM, cellular confinement, composite drains, dewatering tubes, driveway fabric, filter bags and more- If it's "Geo" we've probably got it!

AASHTO / NTPEP Compliant

US Fabrics is an AASHTO / NTPEP audited and compliant company, boasting the industries' largest selection of NTPEP approved products meeting AASHTO M-288 and most other DOT and national specifications. Our voluntary participation in the NTPEP program means you are assured of properly labeled, first quality goods that meet our published data.

Experience & Knowledge

We have the experience to understand and interpret market conditions, pricing pressures and product applications to the benefit of our customers. Let's face it, there's a lot to know about geosynthetics and they are just a part of your product line. We know geosynthetics. Specification interpretation, product and application recommendations, submittal assistance and installation advice are available with a quick call. Let us be your geosynthetic department and then relax knowing we've got you covered.

Website is the Gold Standard

Our website is recognized as the industry standard. Visiting our website puts a wealth of information at your fingertips: Installation instructions, product comparisons, logistics information, data sheets, relevant industry articles, videos, and more! We are the only company offering a Universal Product Comparison tool, allowing you immediate and accurate property by property comparison of our products to our competitors’ products. Bookmark this site and use it as a resource.

Premium Content

Our Premium Website users can access product specific, drop-in-specifications, detailed product views, MyBinder Project Binders, Product Finder, Application Finder and more not offered anywhere else on the web. And it’s free! Just create an account.

Availability & Customer Service

We travel every day - by phone! This means we're in the office and at our desk when you call. How many times have you left a voice mail for your current geotextile sales person, only to get called back hours or days later, after their plane lands or they come off the road? Or, perhaps you just hung up after getting caught in automated voice-mail hell. When you call, we'll pick up the phone and answer your geotextile questions immediately. And you will speak directly to a geotextile sales professional, not a customer service agent or order entry person. Get pricing, availability and product specifications with a single call.

The Geotextile Industry's Only App (iPhone & Android)

Designed for Engineers, Contractors or Distributors. Download the geosynthetic industry’s only App and get immediate access to great customer service, a comprehensive geosynthetic line and the most powerful website and tools in the industry. Receive messages and correspond directly with your sales representative!

Need Help Writing Specifications?
Download our free Guide to Better Geotextile Specifying
An Expert's Manual for Distributors
Download our free Distributor's Manual on Geosynthetics & Geotextiles. This 49 page manual is packed with useful tips and quick reference materials. ** UPDATED 2024 **
Contractor's Application Guide
Download our free Contractor's Guide for the most effective ways to use geosynthentics