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Sludge Dewatering with EcoTubes™


Site construction dewatering of sediment and lagoon sludge can be expensive and time-consuming. Environmental contamination can make the process even more arduous and expensive. Many sludge dewatering options are available including filter presses, dryers, confined disposal areas and chemical dewatering. US Fabrics' EcoTubes™ can be an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to these costly construction sludge dewatering methods.

US Fabrics' EcoTubes™ are an innovative product made from a high tensile strength, woven, polypropylene geotextile and designed to contain and dewater the solids from construction dewatering operations. The geotextile is sewn into a large passive filter tube with filling ports.

  • Increasing Popularity
  • Short Term or Permanent Containment
  • Maximizes Storage Capacity
  • Innovative, Yet Simple
  • Cost-Effective & Efficient
  • Environmentally Friendly, Smaller Footprint
  • Long Record of Use By Municipalities
  • High Tensile Strength
  • No Mechanical Breakdowns

Geotextile tubes have proven extremely efficient for sludge dewatering and containment of industrial waste, municipal sludge, pulp and paper sludge, marine sediments and other pump slurries bi-products.

The use of US Fabrics' EcoTubes™ is simple: deploy the tubes in your drying bed, anchor the tubes and/or tie the tubes together, attach the pump to the fill port(s) and fill. EcoTubes™ are not a mechanical dewatering device. They will not break down or malfunction like a centrifuge, belt press, vacuum or drum filter. EcoTubes™ Sludge Dewatering Tubes can be used for short term or permanent containment and can be stacked to minimize space requirements and maximize storage capacity.

Three Step Process

There are basically three steps to the sludge dewatering process. Initially, a mixture of liquid and solids are pumped into the dewatering tube and confined. The dewatering process begins almost immediately and continues as liquid drains through the geotextile fabric, while the solids are retained inside. In the final phase, the solids continue to consolidate through evaporation. At this point, the geotextile tube also functions to minimize the re-wetting of the solids from rainwater. The dried solid material is then hauled away or used as fill or topsoil.

Please click on the link below to the right to visit the EcoTubes™ Sludge Dewatering Tube product section of our website for additional information and data sheets.

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