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Municipal Waste Water & Water Treatment w/ EcoTubes™

US Fabrics' EcoTubes™ are an excellent solution for municipal waste water and water treatment operations. The volume of sludge at municipal sewage treatment facilities can result in digesters and lagoons operating inefficiently. Traditionally, removal of this sludge first requires the use of heavy equipment such as belt filter presses or centrifuges to dewater it. These techniques have many drawbacks including: high cost, bad odors, excessive noise, high energy usage, extensive maintenance and blinding and short-circuiting due to a lack of optimal flocculation.

EcoTubes™ provide dewatering and containment in one solution as the sludge can be pumped directly from the digester or lagoon into the tube. These permeable geotextile tubes offer efficient dewatering while containing fine grained solids.

EcoTubes™ can be used year-round with the solids safely stored onsite between uses. When full, the solids can be disposed of in a landfill or directly applied to the land.

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