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Permanent Erosion Control

A geotextile can help to mitigate the negative impact of soil erosion. Water erosion can be absolutely devastating to property. Sometimes the erosion happens very quickly and catastrophically due to a major storm event such as a hurricane or tropical storm. More often, it develops slowly as the ocean's tide, the current of a river, or years of storm water runoff work with time to eat away at land and property with equally devastating results.

The choice comes down to controlling the soil erosion before it takes place or dealing with the aftermath. Since failing to address potential erosion areas in advance can lead to loss of property, money and perhaps life, the most prudent approach is to stop the erosion before it starts. That's where a geotextile can be helpful.

  • Long History of Use for Permanent Erosion Control
  • Reduce Soil Migration
  • Standardized Specifications
  • Product Choice Based on Soil Type

Geotextiles have a long and distinguished record of use in erosion control applications. Geotextiles have been utilized under riprap and behind and around bulkheads for decades. One of the earliest documented cases utilizing a geotextile for erosion control took place in 1958. Most governmental agencies have geotextile specifications developed for permanent erosion control. The AASHTO M-288 specification offers two classes of woven and nonwoven geotextiles for permanent erosion control.

Choosing the proper geotextile for shoreline rip-rap applications includes determining the type of soils involved and the weight and method of placement of the rock. Since allowing water to move in and draw down without losing soil is critical for successful erosion control, care must be taken to utilize a geotextile that will not clog. Typically a woven monofilament is used with fine grained sands and a nonwoven for all other types. Read "Why Geotextiles Clog".

US Fabrics has a complete line of woven and nonwoven filtration geotextiles for erosion control including products meeting the AASHTO and FHWA specifications. Please click on the links to the right for more information.

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Download our free Guide to Better Geotextile Specifying. ** UPDATED 2024 **
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