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Shoreline Protection with EcoTubes™

US Fabrics' EcoTubes™ can be used for shoreline protection. This is a distinct application as they are not used to dewater sludge. Instead, they are filled with sand and used like a giant sandbag.

When filling geotextile tubes with sand, one port is left open to allow the water to flow out of the top of the tube. This will help control internal pressure. Pressure can be monitored with a gauge, a stand-pipe or by measuring the elevation or height of the tube.

For best results, the geotextile tube should be filled non-stop. A good mix is 15% sand and 85% water. The water helps evenly disperse the sand and deliver it into the tube.

A dredge pump or a flooded hopper are options to fill the geotextile tube. A normal fill rate would be 60-150 cubic yards per hour. A normal slurry flow rate would be from 1,500 to 2,500 gallons per minute.

When placing geotextile tubes side-to-side, the tubes must be completely filled in sequence with the next tube placed up against the last tube. This method will create low spots. If this is problematic, overlapping the tubes by placing the next tube under the tail-end of the last tube will minimize the depressions. This must be done before filling either of the tubes. Obviously, the section of the tube that is placed under the other tube will not fill.

Once finished, the injection ports need to be cut off, taking care to leave enough excess geotextile fabric that can be folded down and then fastened with lock-rings or compression fittings.

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