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JDR Enterprises J-Drain 150 US Fabric Equivalent is AWD SITEDRAIN 94

Core Type: Solid, Dimpled Polymeric
Core Compressive Strength: Moderate
- 9,000 psf
Fabric Type: Needle-punched nonwoven
- Single Sided
- AASHTO Class 3
Flow Rate: Moderate
- Core: 12 g/min/f²
- Fabric: 140 g/min/f²

Product meets the following M.A.R.V. values:

J-Drain 150 performs a multi-faceted role by providing protection for waterproofing systems and managing subsurface water around building foundations. Soil back fill is retained by a filter fabric while allowing water to pass into the drainage core providing hydrostatic relief. Collected water is then conveyed to a proper collection system. This data sheet for J-Drain 150 is provided for comparison purposes only.

JDR Enterprises J-Drain 150 Test Data

Property Test Method English Metric
Grab Tensile StrengthGeotextile ASTM D-4632 100 lbs 445 N
CBR PunctureGeotextile ASTM D-6241 250 lbs 1,113 N
Apparent Opening SizeGeotextile ASTM D-4751 70 US Sieve 0.21 mm
Water Flow RateGeotextile ASTM D-4491 140 g/min/f² 5,704 L/min/m²
UV Resistance @ 500 hoursGeotextile ASTM D-4355 70 % 70 %
ThicknessCore ASTM D-1599 0.31 inches 7.87 mm
Water Flow RateCore ASTM D-4716 12.5 g/min/ft 155 l/min/m
Compressive StrengthCore ASTM D-1621 5,200 p/f² 249 kPa
The supplied information is provided as a service to our customers under "Descriptive Fair Use" to show the relationship between our products and the listed manufacturer's products. All values are published on the manufacturer's website per the date listed below. Products are compared using the properties and test methods on US Fabrics' published, website data sheets. As such, not all properties and test methods may be included in this comparison. US Fabrics, its website and products are neither endorsed, nor sponsored by, nor affiliated with the listed manufacturers. All products are registered trademarks of said manufacturers. US Fabrics aims to provide information that is accurate, however does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided on this page or incorporated into it by reference. Please refer to the manufacturer's most recent published data or website to verify accuracy. (1/2021)
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