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Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Woven Polypropylene Geotextile, Nonwoven Polypropylene Geotextile


Section 1- Identification:

Item type(s): Woven Polypropylene Geotextile, Nonwoven Polypropylene Geotextile

Manufacturer: US Fabrics Inc, 3904 Virginia Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45227            

Emergency Phone: (513) 379-1749 – President Cell or (859) 760-8948 – Vice President Cell

Fax: (513) 271-4420

Section 2- Hazard(s) Identification:

Overview: No Hazardous or Toxic components in Geotextiles at or above threshold limit values.  Polypropylene is not hazardous under OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).  GHS Label Elements are not required

Section 3- Composition/Information on Ingredients:

Ingredient Chemical Name (CAS#) Common Name



Weight %

Polypropylene Resin (9003-07-0)

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Carbon Black (1333-86-4)

3.5 mg/cm TWA

3.5 mg/cm TWA


Fatty Glycol and Additives (non-hazardous)

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Section 4- First-Aid Measures:

Eye Contact: Dust may cause irritation.  Flush with water.

Skin Contact: Treat as thermal burn if contact with molten.  Wash with soap and water.  In case of irritation, consult a physician.

Ingestion: Not likely in current form.

Inhalation: Not likely in current form.

Section 5- Fire-Fighting Measures:

Flash Point: > 600 degrees (F) (COC, ASTM D92)

Extinguishing Media: Dry Chemical, CO2, Foam, Water, Halon

Special Fire Fighting Procedure: For large fires in confined area, use N10SH/MSHA approved, self-containing breathing apparatus.  Use water fog or spray to cool exposed equipment & containers.

Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Treat as a solid that can burn. Generally, burns slowly with low smoke density and flaming drips.  Burns with high smoke density under certain conditions.

Section 6- Accidental Release Measures:                                                                           

No environmental threat is expected from release.

Section 7- Handling and Storage:

Handling: Practice reasonable care and caution in handling.  Large rolls may require appropriate lifting devices.

Storage: The material should be kept in its original packaging.  In the event of damage to the packaging during shipments, repairs should be made to ensure protection against UV and weather.  Care should be used during the off-loading to ensure that the machinery used does not penetrate packaging.  Rolls should not be stored in standing water.  For storage longer than 30 days, rolls should be elevated off the ground with tires, pallets or 2x4’s to prevent water from saturating the bottom row.  Care must be taken to prevent exposure of the product to dust.

Waste Disposal: Place in appropriate disposal facility in compliance with local regulation.  This product does not meet the definition of hazardous waste material.

Section 8- Exposure Controls/Personal Protection:

Respiratory Protection: Use NIQSH respirators when hot/molten product.

Skin Protection: Use gloves when handling molten product

Work Hygienic Practices: Practice general hygiene by washing hands and clothes after handling.

Section 9- Physical and Chemical Properties:

Appearance: Wound on cardboard core

Boiling Point: Not Applicable

Evaporation Rate: Not Applicable

Freezing Point: Not Applicable

Melting Point: 120-170 Degrees (C)

Odor: Essentially odorless

Physical State: Solid

Solubility in Water: Not Applicable

Specific Gravity: 0.9-0.905

Vapor Density: Not Applicable

Vapor Pressure: Not Applicable

Section 10- Stability and Reactivity:

Material is stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur.  Do not store near heat, flame, or strong oxidants.

Section 11- Toxicological Information

Inhalation: Not likely under normal use.

Injection: Not likely under normal use.

Ingestion: Not likely in current form.

Skin Contact: No known effect.  Prolonged contact may cause mild skin irritations to some individuals.

Eye Effects: Not toxic, may cause irritation.

Target Organs: None 

Chronic:  There are no know health effects from long term use or contact.

Carcinogenicity: The International Agency for Research on Cancer evaluation is that, “Carbon Black (airborne, unbound particles of respirable size) is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)”.

Section 12- Ecological Information:

Environmental Data:  Not expected to be hazardous to the environment in present form.

Section 13- Disposal Considerations:

Disposal: Spent material should be recycled or disposed according to current regulations.  Does not contain RCRA regulated material

Section 14- Transport Information:

DOT Classification: Non-hazardous

Proper Shipping Name: Wrapped rolls of fabric made from synthetic fibers.  NMFC 49265 Sub 9, Class 70 (Woven) - Class 125 (Nonwoven)

Section 15- Regulatory Information

USA TSCA: This product is considered an article and is exempt from TSCA requirements.

Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL): This product is not specified on the DSL or NDSL.


CERCLA/SARA (302) Extremely Hazardous Substances: None Listed

SARA (311,312) Hazard Class: None Listed

SARA (313) Chemicals: None Listed

California Proposition 65: Carbon Black (airborne, unbound particles of respirable size), CAS# 1333-86-4 is listed as possible carcinogen.


Section 16- Other Information

Last Revised: March 15, 2023

DISCLAIMER: This form complies with OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.  The information contained herein is believed to be accurate but is not warranted for accuracy whether originating with this company or not.  Recipients are advised to confirm in advance of need that the information is current, applicable, and suitable to their circumstances.

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