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Natural Turf Field Drainage

Can a geotextile be a sports star? The last couple of decades have seen tremendous growth in athletic programs across the nation. The overwhelming demand has led to unprecedented use of existing sports fields. The result was a decline in the quality of these field surfaces due to the overuse. As such, existing stadiums needed to be retrofitted with newer, tougher surfaces. It also became obvious that new facilities were needed with playing surfaces that could withstand the frequent use.

In response, innovative companies introduced more stable and durable natural grass playing surface systems. These systems rely heavily on efficient and effective drainage to provide optimum performance. Athletic fields are expected to drain quicker and be ready for use sooner than in the past. Separating the select fill from the subgrade and providing stabilization for the playing surface are also important design elements. To meet these exacting requirements, athletic field construction companies turned to the proven performance of geotextiles and geosynthetics.

  • Nonwovens Offer Excellent Drainage
  • Wovens Provide Separation & Stabilization
  • AWD Drainboards Have Proven Record For Sports Fields
  • Woven Coated Liners Provide Waterproofing

The most commonly used geotextiles for sports fields are lightweight, needle-punched, nonwovens for drainage and a woven separation geotextile such as US 200 for stabilization. AWD offers a composite drain system with a proven track record for drainage of athletic fields. A woven coated geomembrane of 16 or 20 mils is very standard when waterproofing is required.

AWD SITEDRAIN products are an engineered and effective drainage solution for natural turf sports fields. This leads to higher quality surfaces, less potential for injuries, increased playtime and decreased maintenance.

US Fabrics has a complete line of woven, nonwoven, geomembranes and composite drains for use in athletic field construction. Click on the links to the right for additional information.

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