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Well-built seawalls are a well-established and inexpensive way to provide the crucial function of controlling coastal erosion. Most likely, the first seawalls built in the United States appeared in New Jersey in the early twentieth century. A geotextile can play an important role in the design and construction of an effective seawall.

  • Well-Established
  • Inexpensive
  • Stabilizes Construction Area
  • High Strength
  • Excellent Hydraulic Characteristics
  • Clog Resistant
High-Strength Geotextile

In a seawall application, two different types of geotextile can be utilized. The first is a high-strength woven geotextile that will act as a kind of mattress underneath the seawall to stabilize the area of construction for the seawall on the soft marine clays of the seabed.

Woven Monofilament Geotextile

The second type is a woven monofilament filtration geotextile. It is placed on the sand with the rip-rap placed on top. It functions to allow wave action to draw water in and out, while restraining sand particles.

A monofilament geotextile offers a combination of high strength and excellent hydraulic characteristics. In particular, it has a high Percent Open Area (POA). The high POA of a monofilament woven geotextile assures that both water and problematic soil particles that can result in clogging have direct paths through the fabric.

Please visit our Woven Stabilization and High Strength product section and our Woven Filtration product sections for more information and data sheets.

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